Our Services
For Architects, Building Managers, Developers
The 50sqm test bed package
We are thrilled to offer to our early adopters a 50sqm test-bed package including:
• Hardware: Substructure for anchoring to existing or new building, aluminum framing profiles, custom designed ETFE photobioreactors, closed loop algae circulation system, sensors (pH, Temperature, Salinity) and micro-processing unit, lighting system (optional), supply and installation.
• Wetware: Selected micro-algal set-up cultures (200l), initial inoculation service, 3 months set-up maintenance service, regular harvest/maintenance service (optional)
• Software: Full access to algae cultures' monitoring interface for up to a year, full access to urban carbon tool.
Below is an average predicted performance chart. Please not that actual performance will vary depending on solar exposure, micro-climatic condition and other site-specific parameters.
To download a presentation, please click the folowing Icon.
Please contact us for more information and for a full feasibility study.